Since I was on vacation, there have been several great posts that I hope you saw…
– Jason had a great post/ picture of Snoop Dogg reading an Andy Stanley book on a plane. Hopefully he won’t “Drop it like it’s hot”…
– Charles had a great post about Ricky Ryan’s session at the Calvary Chapel Senior Pastor’s Conference. It makes me happy that someone so well-respected like Ricky said this. It makes me happy that CC isn’t pursuing cloning technology 🙂
– Speaking of clones… I loved what Chris had to say about church clones. Must read!
– Gary blogged about the one issue that Carey and I have argued about for 10 years! As I’ve said before, Van Halen is David Lee Roth singing. Van Hagar is another band altogether 🙂
– Craig Groeschel’s preaching QNA has been awesome! This one was especially good.
– Scott’s post about Sacred Words really got me thinking. He’s quoted so much of the book, now I’m totally excited about reading this book.