In Case You Missed it…

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Since I was on vacation, there have been several great posts that I hope you saw…

Jason had a great post/ picture of Snoop Dogg reading an Andy Stanley book on a plane. Hopefully he won’t “Drop it like it’s hot”…

Charles had a great post about Ricky Ryan’s session at the Calvary Chapel Senior Pastor’s Conference. It makes me happy that someone so well-respected like Ricky said this. It makes me happy that CC isn’t pursuing cloning technology 🙂

– Speaking of clones… I loved what Chris had to say about church clones. Must read!

Gary blogged about the one issue that Carey and I have argued about for 10 years! As I’ve said before, Van Halen is David Lee Roth singing. Van Hagar is another band altogether 🙂

Craig Groeschel’s preaching QNA has been awesome! This one was especially good.

Scott’s post about Sacred Words really got me thinking. He’s quoted so much of the book, now I’m totally excited about reading this book.