Here’s your weekly “In case you missed it” post. We talked about developing leaders this week.
Monday – “Staffing: Where do I start?” – This post outlined the importance of a job description in hiring.
Tuesday – “Getting Started in Leadership Development” – This was 5 ways to jumpstart your leadership development process.
Wednesday – “The Scariest and Most Important Factor in Developing Leaders” – This post talked about how we need to give up and coming leaders opportunities to lead. They’re going to make mistakes, but it’s the only way they will be able to lead at a higher level.
Thursday – “Micromanaging and other Dirty Words” – This post discussed the fact that leaders tend to under-manage because they don’t want to be seen as micromanagers. Most of us are lightyears away from micromanagers, but because we don’t want to be accused of it we shy away from managing well.
Have a great weekend!