[Free Sermon Series] Explode Evangelism and Discipleship in your Church

Bob FranquizGeneral


Hey Pastor,

A couple of years ago, I wanted to buy a simple book for new believers that
would establish them in the faith and help them in their first few steps.

I found nothing.


That’s when someone on my staff said, “Pastor Bob, you should write
a book for new believers.”

I accepted the challenge and the result is my new book, “Begin: First
Steps for the Journey of Faith”.

This message is so important, we decided to do a 6-week sermon series in
January that gives new believers the foundations of the faith.

Heres the great part for you:
we want to invite you to participate in the series with us.

We’re give you all of the sermon notes, outlines, video roll-ins,
Powerpoint slides, graphics, postcard… for free.

Plus, you can pick up copies of Begin at a huge discount.

We’re going to give it all to you if you decide to do the Begin series
with us.

If you’re interested, click on this link and let us know you’re
going to participate with us.

This is the perfect series to kick off the year.

It will establish your new believers and fire up your church evangelistically.

Plus, we’re going to give you everything you need to do this series.

… and I’m going to personally lead a training session to help you
launch this series and keep the momentum going.

I hope you’ll join us as we kick off the new year in a big way!

Here’s the link to learn more and sign up for



P.S. If you haven’t picked up a copy of Begin, you can do that here.

P.P.S. If you haven’t grabbed a copy of my new book, “Pull:
Making your Church Magnetic”, you can pick one up here.