Expo ’05 Review

Bob FranquizChurch

I just got back from Expo ’05.  Let’s just say that mentally I’m wiped out.  But I was totally challenged by everything that was shared.  Let me give you a basic breakdown of what stuck out in each main session: 

Session 1 – Andy Stanley:
Even though I’m the president of the Andy Stanley Fan Club, let me say that he was amazing!  The guy just rocks my world every time I hear him.  He hammered the point home that people give to vision.  But people want to see the vision, but just hear words.  So the key is, how am I (we) going to show what our vision is so God’s people can continue to see what they are giving the resources they have been entrusted with?  Andy showed baptism videos and talked about how they are constantly sharing their vision on a weekly basis. 

Session 2 – Michael Easley:
  I didn’t know who Michael was, but he is the president of Moody Bible Institute.  He shared from Nehemiah 5, but what really got me was how Nehemiah didn’t take advantage of the privileges he could have.  He challenged Pastors to consider the "Widow’s mite" before we approve church expenditures.  Good stuff! 

Session 3 – Bob Coy:  Bob is my Pastor.  I served on staff at Calvary Fort Lauderdale for just over 4 years and they were some of the best years of my life.  He was amazing.  I know it sounds funny, but I was so proud of him.  I was so proud that God is using him as much as he is and that I had the honor of serving under him as long as I did.  His message was about celebrating stewardship.  He talked about how most Pastors teach on giving, but we need to be teaching on stewardship. We tend to focus on 10% as opposed to training people that all 100% belong to God.  It was awesome! 

Session 4 – Charles Stanley:
  Dr. Stanley was amazing!  He spoke like the elder statesman that he is.  He shared stories like a grandfather talking to his grandkids about trusting God no matter what.  I was really blessed by this message and was challenged in our own building program to recognize that God is the one that provides, not people.  It was very liberating. 

What is the conclusion of the matter?  Order the DVD’s or CD’s.  You won’t be disappointed.  We’ve been raising money for our building all year and it has been really challenging at times, but I know it will all be worth it.  These sessions gave me so much to think and pray about.  Anyway, that’s my 2 cents (sorry, bad money joke)…