Carey and I stayed after the Origins Experience for Mosaic’s leadership experience called “Ethos”. This may have been better than Origins. It was that good! Alex McManus talked about understanding the future and global trends. It was amazing!
Then Erwin came and talked about what he calls the “Character Matrix”. This “chart” is essentially the book “Uprising” (Which is an amazing book if you haven’t read it).
What I found interesting is that a huge focus at Mosaic is on character building. Erwin’s warning was not to only develop people’s leadership potential, but instead to focus on building character. Powerful stuff!
After lunch (Which Carey and I went to this place called “The Yardhouse” – Rockin’!), Erwin came back and talked about Synergy. It was interesting to hear Erwin and his team explain how they interact as different types of leaders. I thoroughly enjoyed it.
The last session was the guys from Gallop talking about Strengthsfinder and the results of the test each of us took. Carey’s results were right on. Mine were close. I think the top 3 were dead on.
Looking back, this was an amazing experience. I would definitely come back and would love to bring my staff to this (You can hear cheering in Miami if you listen closely)!
They just announced that Mosaic is going to put on an Origins/Ethos experience in New York City on November 28-30.