If you’re considering coming to our Momentum Conference in March, we’re offering a deal for my blog readers (because I love you all) that is $99 for the conference until the end of the month. The early bird special is $139 and $159 regular price, but we’re having a special offer for the conference for $99 through the end of October.
What needs to be done? Email me (Bob at calvarywired dot com) and we’ll hook it up. Plus, you’ll bypass the Acteva fee in the process. I’ve been hearing a lot of great feedback about people who are excited about coming. Being portable isn’t the easiest thing in the world. This is the only conference of its’ kind that is offering practical help as well as leadership insights into what it takes to navigate the waters of the portable world successfully.
The conference is really shaping up. Bob and Nelson are really excited about the conference. We’ve nailed down the workshop speakers. I’ll post those this week as well. March 1-2, 2007…Be there or be square!