Quite simply, The Feiner Points of Leadership by Michael Feiner is one of the best leadrship books I have ever read. If you know me, you know that I hate Pepsi, but as a former Pepso Co. executive, Feiner gives 50 leadership laws that are just so true.
Here are some highlights:
– What gets rewarded determines what the real values of your organization are
– Leaders show people they are building a cathedral, not just cutting stone
– Commitment means that to get loyalty, you must give loyalty
– People need to know the score, to know how they’re doing
– Start with the assumption that you’re the problem. Don’t assume evil intent unless you see it
– If change is not presented as a burning platform decision, it can’t hope to succeed
– Leaders cannot delegate responsibility for implementing change
– If you can’t tell anyone what you’re doing, don’t do it
This is just a few quotes. The truth is, my copy of this book is filled with blue ink from underlining, stars, arrows, and any other symbol to show a great thought. This is a must read for any leader. Absolutely fantastic book!