I just finished reading “The Multi-Site Church Revolution” by Geoff Surratt, Greg Ligon, and Warren Bird. I really enjoyed it. I think what I enjoyed the most was that the book fired me up to go multi-site.
In a city like Miami, the idea of buying a huge piece of property and building a big building isn’t really reality. Plus, the traffic isolates sections of the city, so I think this is a vision of the future for us. How and when I have no idea.
But I will say this, when I decide to go multi-site, I will read this book again because this book gives a person the step-by-step process to getting a 2nd 3rd, or 20th site going. Also, I loved how the book emphasized what type of staff and leadership is needed to get another site going.
Lastly, I enjoyed how they interviewed churches that are approaching multi-site ministry is completely different ways. This is not a cookie cutter approach at all. Instead, it’s more of a variety pack showing the many ways to expand a growing ministry that desires to reach more people for Jesus.