As I looked at our church, I decided to re-read The E-Myth because I felt like our systems were weak. If this book emphasizes anything, it’s systems. If you don’t think that having churches should have systems, look at the human body. Your body has systems, and if there working well, that’s called health. The church is a body. So a healthy church has healthy systems.
Anyway, I really liked this book (even though the story about Sarah’s Pie Shop got old). Gerber’s challenge is basically right out of Eph. 4:11-12. He would say, “Stop working in your ministry and start working on your ministry.” The Pastor who does all the counseling, all the hospital visitation, and all the teaching will soon be dead. The wise Pastor spends his time training leaders who go out and do the ministry. This way, he can be more effective and the body can receive greater ministry.
Please note: This doesn’t mean Pastors should stop counseling, visiting, or teaching. It means that for the church to grow beyond one person, that person has to let go. This book has really challenged me to think through how our church can receive greater ministry without me being personally involved in everything.
I think a leader’s job has to be one of giving away responsibility and authority. Control freaks don’t usually end up leading much. The reason: the organization can never grow beyond that one person’s control. E-Myth is all about setting up systems with gifted people so that ministry can be exponential.