I heard Jeffry Gitomer speak recently on CD and it was great. So I picked up his book "Customer Satisfaction is worthless… Customer loyalty is Priceless". This was a great book.
It caused to think about every great experience I've had at a business or church. It also reminded me of the nightmare experiences I've had. What the book really made me think about was, what kind of experience are people having when they come to Calvary Fellowship? Are we being intentional about making sure people have a WOW experience every time they show up?
I want people to walk away knowing that someone cared for them. That they weren't just a faceless person in the mass of people coming and going. Instead, I want them to make a connection, to feel as thought their needs could be met and that the people who serve at Calvary Fellowship want to help them take their next step towards Jesus.
This book has a ton of insightful stories, great questions and it left me challenged to take what we do to the next level. If you're in ministry, I highly recommend you pick up this book. You'll be glad you did.