Our set-up crew arrived at the theatre this morning to no power. There was no power on our block. We called the power company and they said they’d have someone out by 10AM (Our start time). So the amazing guys who set things up every week, set everything up in complete darkness. Then we got a couple of generators and we had some power to be able to light our sanctuary. So we had everyone (including kids) gather into our main theatre. Did I mention that there was what seemed like a monsoon outside with all the rain? So doing the service outside was out of the question.
We decided that having all the kids in the service wasn’t the most conducive environment for a service of normal length. So we abbreviated the worship, and I had literally 10 minutes to figure out what I was going to say. So I talked taught from 1 Corinthians 2, about how the cross is the answer to every problem we encounter. We shared in communion together, and all in all, it was a special service. To the setup team, you guys are my heroes!
Portable Church…Good Times…