If you're going to leading a growing church, one of the most important factors is to become a student of the calendar. You need to maximize the days that are naturally high attendance Sundays and plan your off weeks on low attended Sundays.
We know the big ones: Easter, Mother's Day, Christmas Eve, etc… But there are several Sundays that can be "Easter-like" if we will identify and maximize them.
Here's one simple way to become a student of the calendar: download your county school board's calendar and post vacations, days off and teacher planning days (anything that lets kids out of school and can effect your weekend attendance) and post them on your master calendar.
As I mention in my book Zero to Sixty: 60 principles and practices for leading a growing church, we have a huge calendar in our offices that contain all important dates, holidays, important school dates, and things happening in our city.
One of the keys to maximizing as many Sundays as possible is to know what's happening in your community and in the lives of the families in your church.
For more information on how to maximize the power of Sunday, check out our resource, "How to Make Every Sunday Like Easter" by clicking here.