Most Pastors are looking for balance. We want to balance ministry and family. We want to balance our preaching between evangelistic sermons and discipleship sermons. We want to balance our study time with time for staff.
Here’s where I think the problem lies: We look for balance in too small of a time period. We want each day to be balanced and when it’s not we beat ourselves up. What I’m learning is to view balance not from day to day, but from season to season. How balanced have I been this month? If I’m out of whack, then I need to make adjustments for next month. The beauty of having a preaching calendar that you plan in advance is you get to look at your year and say, “Where am I being too light? What do I need to emphasize more?”
For too long I sought balance in one 24-hour period. Unfortunately, life doesn’t work that way. Ministry flows in seasons. So I just go with it.