I mentioned this resource to a small group of Pastors and we literally sold out of our 1st run of this resource! It shows me that the need is great and that Pastors don't want to see one more person making a decision for Jesus not become a disciple of Jesus. We've seen 453 decisions for Jesus this year and it's only May!
You can pick up this resource by clicking here and we'll get it to you ASAP.
Here's what the New Believer Follow up System will teach you:
– The 8 steps new believers take to maturity
– The answers to the 9 most frequently asked questions about new believer follow up
– The most under utilized “secret weapon” of new believer follow up
– The most common mistake churches make that sabotage their follow up process
– The 4 things you should not do under any circumstances!
– The 1 thing you must do to make your new believer follow up effective!
– Plus much more!
I so believe that this resource will help the new believers in your church that I will make this guarantee to you: pick up the resource and listen to it. If you feel this resource isn't helpful to you and your church, we will refund 100% of your investment. That's how strongly I feel about this resource.
Lots of people made decisions to follow Jesus on Easter and Mother's Day. Use every resource at your disposal to not allow them to fall through the cracks. You can pick up the New Believers Follow up System by clicking here.