In addition to the “No men holding hands while praying” man law that was ratified by the majority, another man law for christian men is being proposed. It’s referred to as the hug-hit rule.
Allow me to explain: when 2 men feel the need to hug, the 2 men involve themselves in a skillfully choreographed motion that makes the experience last no longer than 3 seconds. This is a careful discipline because there can be no lingering or holding on. This is a seamless motion where the guys’ shoulders collide, then the mandatory 2-pats on the back and we’re done.
Here in Miami, when a guy enters someone’s home or even his church, he kisses every girl he knows on the cheek as his greeting. In these parts, this is totally normal and expected. The guys shake hands with their acquaintances and hug the friends they haven’t seen in a while or those that just had some great experience that warrants such an action.
Who seconds the motion?