"On hearing it, many of his disciples said, "This is a hard teaching. Who can accept it?" (John 6:60)
There’s times in the life of your church when it’s time to comfort and other times when you have to give a hard teaching. Sunday was one of those times when I had to give the hardest message I have ever had to give. I had to talk about apathy and complacency. I talked about what it really means to put God first and to walk with Jesus. We talked about laying down our gods and giving God all of us for Christmas. At the end of the service I challenged our church that we make a covenant to be a revolutionary community and I asked everyone who was with me to stand. Much to my shock, EVERYONE stood! I knew this message had to be given and I thank God that I did. We’ll see what happens, but I believe yesterday we turned a corner and I’m totally excited about where this is going to lead…
By the way, if you want to listen to the message, you can listen here.