People usually have 4 questions when they attend a church. It's vital that we answer them because according to studies, over 75% of people visit a church's website before attending. That means our website is like our virtual concierge, letting people know what we have to offer.
So here's the 4 questions our website has to answer:
#1 – What time are your services?
#2 – Where are you?
#3 – How long is the service?
#4 – What should I wear?
I know this sounds basic, but we visit some church websites and you have to dig for 20 minutes to get the answer to those questions. Those answers need to be front and center on your site.
Here's why? Because the thing we're trying to do is eliminate the fear people have when attending a new place.
The answer to questions 1-3 should be on your homepage. Then you should have some kind of “Before you visit” page that gives all that info.
If you want to see what our page looks like at Calvary, go to: