3 Targets For Your Church This Summer

Bob FranquizUncategorized


Most Pastors tend to take their vacations during the summer for a variety of reasons (kids are out of school, attendance is flat) which I think is a good idea.

But sometimes we can lower the bar a little and say, “Hey, it’s summer. It’s no big deal.”  WRONG.

3 Targets for Your Church to Focus on this Summer:

1) New Guests.  Most people move during the summer time and that’s also when they check out churches in their neighborhood.  Fourth of July was a lower than average attendance for us at Calvary and we still had 35 first time guests!

That means we need to make sure that every Sunday is Superbowl Sunday at our church because someone is showing up for the first time wanting to take a next step towards Jesus.

2) Preparing for Fall.  Line up your preaching calendar.  Get things ready for when attendance does pick up.  Take a look at the systems you have in place and train the leaders on improvements you want to implement.  Summer’s a great time to invest in leaders.

3) Get Training for Yourself.  There’s no better time to invest in yourself than the summer.  Take advantage of the coaching we offer or come to our Breaking Growth Barriers Conference on August 13th and 14th.

Now’s the time to learn the new skills you’ll be able to implement for the rest of the year.  Don’t miss out.

Click here to check out our August Conference.

Click here to check out our Coaching.