– Since we went to 3 services, I’ve had a problem with my voice. My the 3rd service, my voice was wasted. But I picked this stuff called Vocalzone called really helped me. I tried it for the 1st time this past Sunday and when I was done with the 3rd service, I felt like I could do 3 more!
– My buddy Nelson just put out a 30 page report on church systems. I had a chance to read it earlier this week and it’s great. Also, it’s free! Here’s the link
– On June 20th, I’ll be teaching an assimilation seminar in Hartford, CT at my friend Bill’s church. It should be a lot of fun. If you don’t know, I grew up in Boston, so it will be an opportunity to come home to New England, see some family and hang out with some church leaders. So if you live in the New England area, we’d love to have you join us!