In one of my last coaching meetings, I told the group of Pastors I coach that 2009 is going to be a great year to reach people far from God. From the economy, the war, to just the general fear that people have, this year can the church's finest hour.
Well, I just got the stats that we've seen more people decide to follow Jesus already in 2009 than we had in all of 2008. Mind you, we had over 400 people make decisions in 2008. I can only attribute this to God desiring to reach the city of Miami!
If you know my story, then you know that for the first 18 months of our church, we didn't see one first time decision for Jesus. It was depressing to say the least. But God used it to cause us to reevaluate why we existed as a church. I moved to Miami to reach people far from God, so it created some major changes in our church that has prepared us for what God is doing now. It didn't happen overnight, but as we redirected our focus and implemented systems, God has done a great work at Calvary Fellowship over the last several years.
Interested in seeing more unchurched people attend your Sunday services? Check out the "How to Make Every Sunday Like Easter" 3-CD resource. This resource will give you the tools you need to mobilize your congregation to invite people as you prepare for Sundays with Easter-like impact.
Do you have a follow up system for those who have made decisions to follow Jesus in your church? Check out the "New Believer Follow up System". This 3-CD resource gives you everything you need to lead someone from a decision for Jesus to becoming a disciple of Jesus.