
You made a great decision investing the Complete Sermon Library!

Below you’ll find the links for each sermons series.

Click on each link and in the downloaded file you’ll find the audios, teacher notes, student outlines, graphics, Powerpoint slides, and MP3 audios of the messages.


1 & 2 Timothy

1 Corinthians

2 Corinthians

1 & 2 Timothy

1 Peter

2 Peter

1 & 2 Thessalonians

5 Series

10 Commandments

A Different Kind of Christmas

Acts of the Apostles (The Movement)


Asking for a Friend

Baggage (Philemon)

Begin Series

Better (Hebrews)

Blueprint (Nehemiah)

Boy Meets Girl

Brave (Joshua)

Collision (Gospel of John)

The Contrarian’s Guide to Happiness (The Beatitudes)

Covenant (Malachi)

Easter Sermons

Elements (John the Baptist)

Engage (Esther)


Fixer Upper (Marriage)

Follow (Sermon on the Mount)

FOR Series (Romans 8)


Fuel (2 Timothy)

Giant Killer

Go Green (Stewardship)

Good Friday Sermons

Greater (James)

Happily Ever After

He Said She Said

Heroes and Villains (Judges)

History Maker

House Rules (Marriage – Ephesians 5)

Kingdom Come (Gospel of Luke)

Magnetic (Titus)

Magnificat (Christmas)

Marriage Material

My Better Half


Parental Guidance




Real (1 John)

Relentless (Jonah)

ReThink (Ephesians)

Retro Christmas


Second Chances (Ruth)

Song of Solomon

Songs of the Kingdom Volume 1 (Psalms)

Songs of the Kingdom Volume 2 (Psalms)

Starting Over

Spoiler Alert

Spotlight (Colossians)

Suit Up (The Armor of God)

The Beginner’s Guide to the End of the World

The Blessed Life (Stewardship)

The Meaning of Everything (Ecclesiastes)

The Science of Joy (Philippians)

The Story (The Gospel of Matthew)

The Throne (1 and 2 Kings)

Trees (Christmas)

Uncensored (Habbakuk)


Unshakable (Daniel)

Viewfinder (Habakkuk, Joel, and Micah)


X’s and O’s (Marriage Series)