A Pastor’s Time Machine

Bob FranquizGeneral

Life is getting busier and busier.  Some of us wish we could jump into one of these to get it all done:

Pastors Time Machine

There are more and more things to distract us and here’s the hard truth…

Sometimes Pastors can be the worst time managers.

In reality, the nature of our calling demands that we be excellent managers of out time. So this week I’m going to share a few time management tips that have helped me be more productive in the same amount of time.  Basically these are the next best thing to time travel…

Tip #1: Bundle similar tasks together

If you have 5 calls to make, make them one after the other. This way, you don’t spend too much time on each call. You are able to give each call the time time it deserves without chewing the fat for an hour and getting behind on your work.

The same thing is true for email, letters, touching base with staff, and writing letters – bundle the items together and you will see how much more productive you are. The reason? Because with each task you pick up speed and get through all of these items more quickly.

Also, I don’t bug my staff over every little thing I think of. I keep a notepad of my desk with their names on them and when I get a few items on there I get up and walk into their offices and share the 3-5 things I needed to talk to them about. This way it gives me some face time with them (and I’m acting like a hermit in my office) and it allows me to share what I need to without spending all day talking.

Bundle up – try it… you’ll love it because you’ll accomplish more in less time.

Tip # 2 Manage your energy

Understanding your own rhythms is one of the best ways to get a lot done in a normal work day. Like many people, I have most of my creative energy in the morning, so I never book appointments in the morning (except our weekly staff meeting). This time I use to write, study, research, and create.

Afternoons are when I’m at my creative lowest, so I use that time to have meetings, return email, write thank you cards, and clean my office.

The point is, you have to manage your energy wisely or you’ll find things that are low priority taking your best energy.

Later this week I’ll give you a couple more tips on saving time.  Until then you can chow down on my FREE Ebook, “The Productive Pastor,” if you still find yourself time starved…