The #1 Myth Pastors Believe about Reaching People

Bob FranquizGeneral


There are things that drive me crazy.

One of them is when pastors believe myths that keep them from reaching their community.

So with Easter just around the corner, I want to dispel the #1 myth that Pastors believe about reaching people.

Here it is: “You need lots of money to promote your church in your community”

Nope. Not true.

In fact, we teach our Outreach Ninja members how to reach people for nickels compared to what most churches spend.

Louis is young pastor who took over a flailing church of thirty-five people down the street from Calvary. This church had struggled for years before Louis’ arrival.

He joined Outreach Ninja a few months before his first Easter at the church. I’ll let Louis tell you this amazing story in his own words.

“Thank you so much for being Kingdom minded and sharing what has worked for you to other church leaders. We implemented what we could in our context. To the glory of our Savior, on Easter Sunday we had a total of 647 (counting kids) in 3 services at our church. You know the history of our church and know that for our church, that’s HUGE! More than 20 adults and 32 kids gave their lives to Christ in our services.”

One of the ways we help Outreach Ninja members like Louis is by totally customizing our done-for-you resources, thus saving churches thousands
of dollars in design costs.

In fact, every Outreach Ninja member is getting an Easter bundle that
gives them everything they need to invite their community to Easter.

You can test drive Outreach Ninja for the next 30 days for only $1.

Plus, you’ll get the Easter bundle totally customized for your church.

It’s the best decision you can make this Easter season.

It’s only 46 days away.

You can learn more at



Bob Franquiz
Senior Pastor
Calvary Fellowship