Book Review: Spiritual Leadership

Bob FranquizBooks

080246799701_bo2204203200_pisitbdp500arrI just re-read Spiritual Leadership by J. Oswald Sanders. I love this book. I have recommended it 100’s of times and I want to recommend it again to anyone who is in spiritual leadership to any capacity. This book is just a powerhouse of truth and wisdom.

Here are a few nuggets that I got from reading it a second time around:

– “Pessimism and leadership are at opposite ends of life’s attitudes.”

– “We can only lead where we ourselves have traveled.”

– “A leader know how to exploit momentum” (Great name for a conference, isn’t it 🙂

– Letters of encouragement (Thank you notes) are important

– You can’t share vision too much

– Make sure your flock is well fed

– Identify the people that God’s hand is on and develop them

– The primary leadership development tool is “on the job training”

– I need to build a better prayer discipline into my life

– Don’t waste time! Putting things off is fatal to spiritual leadership

– Delegate authority with responsibility

– God hates pride!