Channel 10 Story

Bob FranquizChurch

The Channel 10 interview aired on Sunday night. I wish it had air on a different night, but what can you do? I think they did a pretty good job. Funny enough, they used the “B” roll from the last interview they did with us. Hopefully, this inspires some people to check out Calvary Fellowship this Sunday!

Time Management Tips Part 1

Bob FranquizChurch

Here’s the truth – sometimes Pastors can be the worst time managers. When in reality, the nature of our calling demands that we be excellent managers of out time. So this week I’m going to share a few time management tips that have helped me be more productive in the same amount of time. Bundle similar tasks together – If you have 5 calls to make, make them one after the other. This way, you don’t spend too much time on each call. You are able to give each call the time time it deserves without chewing the fat for … Read More

Sunday Stuff…

Bob FranquizChurch

– Today was one of the best Sundays in our history! – We kicked off our Stripped series and in a big way! – We had 700 in attendance today! (I rarely share numbers, but had to today) – The crowd was awesome! People were really into it. – Song of Solomon is a great book! I’m totally into teaching this! – Turns out Y100 was talking about our billboard on their morning show. They were very positive about what we were doing. Pretty cool. – The band was rockin’ as always! – Tons of first time guests (I’m still … Read More

11 Years

Bob FranquizUncategorized

11 years ago today, my wife and I got married. I still don’t know how I got her to say yes, but she did and I’ve been the happiest man on planet earth because of it. There’s nothing better than a great marriage! There’s nothing better than being married to your best friend! And the best part is that “the best is yet to come.”

Book Review: The King of the Jews

Bob FranquizBooks

One of the best books I read in preparation to read the Gospel of Mark is “The King of the Jews” by D. Thomas Lancaster. This book looks at the life of Jesus from a Judaic perspective. It really delves into the role of a rabbi and gives wonderful insights into 1st century Jewish life by quoting the Talmud and Mishna. My copy of this book is filled with blue ink, as I underlined, placed stars and question marks all over the pages of this book. It was an invaluable tool in my preparation to teach the Gospels. I think … Read More

Channel 6

Bob FranquizChurch

I think the Channel 6 interview went well. I felt I was more articulate on the Channel 10 interview, but you get sliced and diced so much, I don’t know if it matters. We got bumped from Channel 10, but the story should air tonight. We’re praying that all of this results in people being curious and coming to check out the church and hearing the Gospel. I’m so excited about this series of teachings through Song of Solomon. Update: MSNBC picked up the story. Here’s the link: click here Update: The video can be seen here in the top … Read More

11 O’Clock News!

Bob FranquizChurch

Crazy day! I did an interview for Channel 10 and then Channel 6 back to back about our new series and billboard. If you live in South florida, both interviews are going to air at 11 o’clock tonight! I’ll try to post the interviews later. I’m really excited about our new series Stripped: The Naked Truth about Relationships! It starts Sunday!

Channel 10

Bob FranquizChurch

We’re starting a new series on Sunday on the subject of sex and relationships. To promote the series, we bought a billboard off the 826 expressway in Miami. Conservatively, probably a 100,000 people will pass this billboard everyday. Well, Channel 10 (ABC affiliate) called us and wants to interview me today regarding the series. I think this series is going to have a big impact.


Bob FranquizTeaching

One of the things we’ve built our church on is the systematic teaching of the Bible. We’re a verse by verse Bible teaching church for the most part. We do topical stuff as well (some topics are best covered in a topical manner), but the majority of Sundays, we’re working our way through a book of the Bible. I’ve been thinking about this since we just finished the Gospel of Mark this past weekend (We started on Easter of last year). I looked and realized that we’ve taught through 19 books of the Bible since we started Calvary Fellowship 7 … Read More

Tom Brady and the Heartbreakers…

Bob FranquizUncategorized

All I will say (before I never speak of this game again) is that the Giants outplayed the Patriots. The Patriots seemed different tonight. There was a lot more talk about destiny, dynasty, and being in an elite class than winning a game. (I will concede that this is all the media asked the Pats about for 2 weeks) Tom Brady didn’t look right. He wasn’t as accurate as he normally is. I think he was more hurt than the team let on. Tom can thread the needle better than anyone (with the possible exception of Dan Marino) and tonight … Read More